Jozef Załuski wrote in his memoirs of the regiment…
Among the officers,next to the famous names of Radziwill, Giedroic and Krasiński you could see the plebeian ones of Kiliński Koch and other Warsaw bourgeois.You could see Jews, such as Berko-Josielowicz, and Muslims, a whole company of whom [tartares lithuaniens] was formed at the end of 1812.
The officers chosen to command the Polish Light-Horse of the Imperial Guard were specially chosen for their experience.
The regiment’s commander Count Vincent Corvin Krasiński was colonel of the newly raised 3rd Polish chasseurs a cheval of the Duchy of Warsaw and had previously commanded the Warsaw Guard of Honour. The regimental majors were frenchmen from the Imperial Guard and were charged with the overall organization and training of the regiment. The adjudant- majors lieutanant Duvivier and Polreczki came from the Grenadiers a cheval of the Guard and the Chasseurs a cheval of the Guard respectively.
Other officers chosen for the regiment were men who had seen service in the army. Łubieński and Kozietulski who had served in high positions in the Warsaw Guard of Honour were made Chefs d’escŁubieńskiadron. Capitaine Antoine Potocki and Jerzmanowski had been former ADC’s to Prince Poniatowski and General Duroc. Capitaines Meyer and Byszawski were both former officers in the Warsaw Guard of Honour. Dzjewanowski was on the staff of Gen. Milhaut
Lieutenants en premier Gorski was serving with Murat and Szymanowski was serving with Marshal Davout. Fredo, Łubieński junior, Gorayski, Rostworowski were from the Warsaw Guard of Honour and Gotakowski who had also served in the Honour Guard was the son of a member of the government while Wibitzki had family connections to a member of the polish government.Olszewski was from the staff of Marshal Bessieres, Zieliński and Denisko were serving on the staff of Gen. Zajączek, Krzyżanowski from the staff of Marshal Lefebvre while Dembowski had served in the 6th Polish Infantry regiment and Radzimiński was from the 1st Polish Cavalry regiment.
Lieutenants en second Lubomirski, Jordan, Górski, Rembieński and Trzeciński were also from the Warsaw Honour Guard. Riviere Załuski, Kicki a lieutenant from the 1st Polish Infantry Regiment, Leszczyński a lieutenant on the staff of Marshal Lefebvre, Andre Niegolewski, a lieutenant of Polish cavalry, Kumiński a lieutenant in the Pfeiffer Uhlans and Puzina, Łanskożiński, Brocki and Czosnowski also from the Warsaw Honour Guard.
Regimental senior staff
Colonel du Regiment.
Gen..Vincent Corvin Krasiński (1782-1856)
Served as a cavalry officer in the Polish 1792-1794 campaign.
Nominated Colonel of the Polish Light-Horse regiment of the Imperial Guard by Gen. Dąbrowski.
Jan 1807 promoted to the L’etat Major of the Emperor.
Concussed at the Battle of Eylau.
Nominated Colonel 17.4.1807,Gen. of Brigade 16.12.1811, Gen. of Division 18.11.1813.
Wounded 4 times : Madrid (1808], Wagram (1809), Borodino (1812), Arcis-Sur-Aube (1814)
Commander in chief of Polish forces in France in April 1814.
Returned to Poland with Polish troops and regiment after Napoleon’s abdication.
Majors du Regiment.
1st Gross Major, Antoine- Charles Delaitre.(1776-1838)
Adjutant to Gen.Kleber
Wounded at the siege of Akki 2.9.99
Cap .Mameluks of the Guard 18.12.05, Chef d’escadron 6.4.07
Called by troopers ‘The Conqueror of the Mameluks’
During the retreat from Russia in 1812 taken prisoner at the Berezina.
2nd Major Gen.Baron Pierre Dautancourt (1771-1832)
1st Lieutenant gendarmerie 16.4.1796, Capt.28.3.1800
Transferred to gendarmerie d’elite 20.9.01, Chef d’escadron 16 .4.1804
2nd Major of Polish Light-Horse 6.4.1807
Organiser and instructor of the regiment.
His experience and professional qualities inspired the confidence of the
men who lovingly named him ‘Papa du regiment’’.
1st Gross Major on 28.11.1813, Gen.of Brigade 30.10.1813
Commanded the 2ndGuard cavalry brigade Jan 1814.
Majors du Regiment.
Entered service on 1.11.1811 as colonel of the 8th Infantry Regiment in the Duchy of Warsaw.
27.10.1812 Major in the regiment of Guard Lancers.
Took part in 1812-13 campaigns. Wounded at Witebsk.
4.08.1812 awarded the Legion of Honour. 4.05.1813 officers cross of the Legion of Honour.
Died 11.11.1813 from wounds received at the battle of Hanau.
14.08.07 trooper in Polish Light- Horse of the Guard,1.09.07 brigadier, 1.11.07 sergeant,1.12.07 senior –sergeant, 4.10.08 second lieutenant 2nd comp,17.02.11lieutenant, 13.08.13 captain,
Took part in the 1808-1814 campaigns. Present at Essling, Wagram, distinguished himself at Carbonegro in Spain,Hanau and Montmirail, where he served at the side of Napoleon where with his squadron he smashed a Prussian Battalion and obtained the Emperors nomination for Chef d’escadron.
14.05.13 Legion of Honour, 28.11.13 Officers Cross Legion of Honour, 1.05.14 returned to Poland, 27.12.15 dismissed from the regiment with the rank of Major.
Etat Major 1808.
Major: Pierre Dautancourt (Frenchman from Elite Gendarmes)
Major Antoine-Charles-Bernard Delaitre (Frenchman from Guard Mameluke
Adjutant-major Ignace-Louis Duvivier (Frenchman from Guard Horse Grenadier
Adjutant-Major Ladislas Poleretzky (Frenchman from Guard Chasseurs)
Quartermaster Antoine Raulet (Frenchmen from Guard Mamelukes)
Paymaster – ??? (Frenchman)
Etat Major 1812.
Colonel : Brigade Wincenty Krasiński.
Majors: Pierre Dautancourt , Prince Radziwiłł
Quartier – maitre tresorier: Cap. Antoine Raulet
Chefs d’escadron: Baron Kozietulski, Baron Chłapowski, Jerzmanowski, Count Pierre Krasiński, Fredo, Rostworowski [senior], Szeptyczki
Capitaine.Instructeur: Wybicki
Capitaine adjudant –major: Prince Giedroyc, Delaroche
Capitaine charge de l’habillement: Michal Pfeiffer [Warsaw]
Sous- adjudants-major: Ladroite, Deshayes, Vianney
Sous-instructeur: 2nd Lieut Ziółkiewicz
Porte-aigle : Jan.Rostworowski [younger]
Chirurgiens-majors: Girardot, Maugras
Chirurgien 2eme Classe: Gadowski
Chirurgien 3eme classe: Kuszański
1ere escadron 1ere comp: Capitaines J. Załuski, 5eme comp : Stan.Hempel,
2eme escadron 2emecomp : Capitaines Jordan, 6eme comp : Skarżyński
3eme escadron 3eme comp : Capitaines Jankowski, 7eme comp : Brocki
4eme escadron 4eme comp : Capitaines Zajączek 8eme comp : Trzciński
Etat Major 1813.
Colonel : Brigade Wincenty Krasiński.
Majors: Pierre Dautancourt , Prince Radziwiłł Quartier – maitre tresorier :Cap. Antoine Raulet
Chefs d’escadron :Baron Kozietulski, Baron Chłapowski, Jerzmanowski, Count Pierre Krasinski, ,Fredo Rostworowski [senior], Szeptyczki
Capitaine.Instructeur : Petiet
Capitaine adjudant –major :De la Roche
Capitaine charge de l’habillement :Pfeiffer
Sous- adjudants-major :Ladroite, 2nd Lieut. Sikorski
Sous-instructeur : 2nd Lieut Ziółkiewicz
Porte-aigle : Rostworowski [younger]
Chirurgiens-majors :Girardot, Maugras
Chirurgien 2eme Classe :Gadowski
Chirurgien 3eme classe : Kuszański.
Capitaines J. Załuski, Stan.Hempel, Jordan, Jankowski, Brocki, Zajączek, Mikułowski, Coulon, Wąsowicz
Lieutenants en premier :J.Hempel, Malinowski, Dobiecki, Baliński, Kiliński, Vandernoot, Matlaszyński, Gotartowski,[younger]
Roman, Mierzejewski, Gotartowski[senior] Zielonka, Koryczki, Turno, Wilczek, Kielkiewicz,
Lieutenants en second : Zawadski, Toedwen, Wasilewski, Fichnowski, Osiński, Klemens Trzciński, Tad. Łubieński, Trzeciak, Okulski, Komornicki, Horaczko, Lubański, Lacki, Kujawski, Markiewicz, Koch, Fiutowski, Smolski, Zajączkowski, Wiszniewski
Chefs d’escadron.
1ere Escadron.
Comte Thomas Łubieński .(1784-1870)
Trooper in Polish National cavalry 30.1.1790
Commander of Warsaw Honour Guard 24.11.1806
Chef d’escadron 7.4.1807
Present at Somosierra charge
1809 routed a squadron of english cavalry with 29 troopers.
Col.2nd Vistula Lancers 7.2.1811, later 8th Lancers, Col.7th Lancers 18.1.1814
Gen. of Brigade 15.3.1814
Wounded at the Berezina and at Leipzig
2eme Escadron.
Baron Jean Leon Hipolit Kozietulski (1781-1821)
Commander of Warsaw Honour Guard 1807, Chef d’escadron Polish Light-Horse of the Guard7.4.1807;
Led 3rd Squadron at Somosierra (received eleven wounds)
Officer of Legion of Honour 26.11.1810, Baron of the Empire 1.5.1814
Major 25.10.1812;
Wounded at Horodno Nr.Malo Jaroslavetz saving Emperors life.
Col.3rd Eclerieurs of the Guard 1.1.1814; Siege of Paris
Henryk Ignacy Kamieński [1777 – 1831]
1806 entered the army with the rank of captain and A.D.C to Oudinot.
30.1.07 transferred to the Polish Army and with the rank of capitain into the 1st Duchy of Warsaw Infantry Regiment.
12.10.07 Chef d’escadron Polish Honour Guard.
12.03.08 Entered Polish Light-Horse of the Guard.Resigned after a dispute with Col.Krasinski.
Took part in the 1806-1808 Spanish Campaign
Saw action at Medina de Rio Seco, Burgos, Somosierra, Alcala, Mondejar, Madrid,Astroga.
1.01.07 Gold Cross
28.6.07 Legion of Honour.
Stanislas Rostworowski [21.11.1785 – 29.12.1837]
Entered the Warsaw Honour Gard on 27.11,1806.
7.04.07 Lieutenant in Polish Light-Horse of the Guard. 10.03.09 Captain, 6.12.11 Chef d’escadron
Took part in 1807-1809 campaigns, 1812-1814.
Wounded at Raszyn.
7.06.08 Legion of Honour, 14.09.13 Officers Cross of the Legion of Honour, Order of Reunion, 15.03.10 nominated as Chevalier of the Empire.
Seweryn Fredo.[6.12.1785- 30.04.1845]
Entered the army on 21.11.1806 as a second Lieutenant of the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the Duchy of Warsaw.1.3.07 Lieutenant
7.4.07 Lieutenant Polish Light-Horse of the Guard.2.03.08 Captain, 17.2.11 Chef d’escadron.
Took part in the 1807-09, 1812-13 campaigns.
Wounded at Medina de Rio Seco and 30.12.08 at Avignano.
13.12.09 Legion of Honour, 16.08.13 Officers Cross of the Legion of Honour for his action at Peterswalde.10.11.10 Cavalry Cross Virtuti Militari, 1813 order of the Reunion, 8.1.14 resigned his commission.
3eme Escadron
Baron Ignace Ferdynand Stokowski.(1776- )
Warsaw Honour Guard 27.11.1806; Chef d’escadron polish cavalry1.12.1806
Chef d’escadron Polish Light-Horse of the Guard. 12.3.1808
Chef d’escadron 12.3. 1808 present at Somosierra
Distinguished at Wagram 1809
Wounded at Wagram,Pencorbo, Spain, Dresden
Col. 7th Polish [ex Vistula] Lancers 13.10. 1811
Officer’s cross Legion of Honour 13.12.1809
Baron of the Empire 15.3.1810
Józef Załuski [17.07.1785 – 25.06.1866]
5.06.1807 second lieutenant in the Polish Light Horse of the Guard.
4.10.08 lieutenant 17.02.11 captain 17.07.11 chef d’escadron.
Took part in the 1808-14 campaigns.
5.04.09 Legion of Honour,26.11.10 Gold cross Virtuti Militari,
16.08.13 nominated Baron of the Empire
P.O.W. at Brienne
Chronicler of the Regiment.
Wincenty Leon Szeptycki.[1782-1836]
lieutenant 12.3.08,Capitain 1.6.09, Chef d’escadron 2.4.14
Took part in 1808-1814 campaigns.
4.9.08 Legion of Honour
16.8.13 Officers cross Legion of Honour.
26.11.10 Gold Cross Virtuti Militari
15.8.10 Cavalier of the Legion of Honour
Dezydery Adam Chłapowski .(1788- 1879)
24.6.1802 entered Prussian dragoon regiment of gen.Briesewicz as a corporal.
1805 Lieutenant, 4.11.06 officer in Poznan Honour Guard.
18.12.06 lieutenant 9th Infantry Regiment of the Duchy of Warsaw. Commanded Voltigieur company and faught at Tczew and Gdansk where he was captured by the russians. Transported to Riga and returned after the Piece of Tilsit. On 20.9.07 adjiutant to General Dabrowski, 21.1.08 Ordinance officer on Napoleons staff.
15.8.09 Baron of the Empire.
13.1.11 Chef d’escadron 1st Squadron of Guard Lancers.
Took part in the campaigns of 1806-7, 1808-13, Aspern, Smolensk, Moskowa, Berezina, Reichenbach,
Resigned his comission on 19.6.13 on hearing of Napoleon’s proposal to hand the Duchy of Warsaw to Russia. Returned to Poland in Spring of 1815.
Baron Jan Pawel Jerzmanowski (1775-1862)
Entered service in 1799 in the Northern Legion. 23.9.1800 sec. lieutenant,21.01.1801 lieutenant.
25.08.1801 resigned commission after the Peace of Luneville. Returned to service in the French Army
10.1805, adjutant to Gen.Ordener, at Austerlitz.
22.09.1806 adjutant to Gen.Duroc.
7.04.1807 captain in 1st.Polish Light-Horse of the Guard.17.02.1811, chef d’ escadron.
15.03.1814 Major commanding Elba Squadron. Attended Napoleon on the road during his return to Paris.
14.04.1815, Col.1Reg.of Guard Lancers.
Served in campaigns of 1800-1801,1806-1815.
10.03.1809 awarded Legion of Honneur , 14.04.1813 Officer;s cross of the Legion of Honour , 11.04.1815 Commanders
Cross of the Legion of Honneur. 1810 silver Virtuti Militari cross, 15.03.1813 nominated as a Chevallier
Of the Empire, 16.08.1813 Baron of the Empire.
wounded at Wagram, Craonne and Waterloo.
Chefs d’escadron
1ere EscadronTomasz Łubieński 1808
Jan Leon Hipolit Kozietulski 1812
2eme Escadron
Jan Leon Hipolit Kozietulski 1808
Dezydery Chłapowski 1812
3eme Escadron
Ignacy Ferdinand Stokowski 1808
Jan Pawel Jerzmanowski 1812
4eme EscadronHenryk Ignacy Kamieński 1809
Piotr Krasiński 1812
5eme Escadron
Seweryn Fredro 1812
6eme Escadron
Stanislaw Rostworowski 1812