Equipping a Polish Lancer of the Imperial Guard.
Below is a list of kit worn by members of the Polish Guard Lancer’s. Ideally we would like all recruits once they have shown a firm resolve to become fully involved in the units activities to purchase full uniform. Because of the costs involved it would be unrealistic to expect most in this position to equip themselves immediately. This could take several years. However the unit does hold some uniforms and equipment which it is willing to loan out at events to those who have begun the task of equipping themselves and who are actively supporting the units activities.
The first step is to purchase your own sabre and stable kit. This will then allow you to feel part of the group and allows you to come to events and train without committing your finances before you’re sure that the Polish Guard Lancer’s is the right Regiment for you.
Basic stable kit
bonnet de police | headgear worn by all French cavalry in stables and off duty. | £25.00 |
stable jacket and stable trousers | dark blue short jacket fastened by a single row of 9 pewter domed buttons worn for stable duties. cream canvas stovepipe trousers fastened at the sides by 15 wood or bone buttons | £235. 00 |
Shirt | white cotton and long in the body | £35.00 |
neck stock | black cotton, fastens on 2 rear buttons at the back of the neck | £10.00 |
Braces | use ex-army grey braces which have more give in them than the period replicas | £ 5.00 |
Short riding boots | as for black jodhpur boots to be worn under trousers | £20-40 |
Sabre | light cavalry Chasseur a cheval sabre, brass single bar sabre with brass scabbard | £175.00 |
Sabre belt | white leather belt with brass buckle bearing the Imperial crowned eagle | £60-80 |
Full Dress/ Parade Dress
This uniform has to be made to fit the individual by a qualified tailor familiar with the period tailoring.
Czapka | Polish traditional four cornered hat with metal fittings | £375.00 |
czapka cover | made from black waterproofed linen/canvas to protect the czapka in the field. | £20.00 |
Plume | white feathered plume | £35. 00 |
Cords | white cotton cord terminating in two raquettes and tassels | £25. 00 |
Kurtka | Short blue tunic with crimson facings and pewter buttons | £253.00 |
parade trousers | High waisted blue stovepipe trousers with two crimson side stripes tight fitting at the boot and fastened by a series of loops | £75.00 |
Aiguilette | white cotton, worn by all guard cavalryon the left shoulder | £32.00 |
Epaulette | white cotton fringed epaulette worn on the right shoulder | £26.00 |
cartridge belt | whitened buff- leather, worn over the left shoulder to hold the cartridge box | £70.00 |
cartridge box | black leather box with brass crowned Imperial eagle on the flap to hold cartridges for pistol | £65.00 |
cuffed gloves | ochre hand with white cuff in leather | £45.00 |
Field–service uniform additions
field service trousers (leather lined) | blue stovepipe trousers with side fastening over a crimson stripe by 16 pewter domed buttons on each leg. | £275.00 |
cloak (manteau) | white wool cape with sleeves and crimson collar | £180.00 |
short gloves | cream wrist length leather gloves | £26.00 |
Horse Equipment
The unit has saddles and saddlecloths in store to loan to members at events.
Horse tack is limited and members may wish to purchase their own period equipment, made by a professional saddler in the UK.
cavalry hungarian bridle | made from black leather with white metal fittings | £130.00 |
Surcingle | black leather strap which fastens around the horse and holds the equipment and saddlecloth to the horse. | £50.00 |
Breast strap | attaches to the front of the saddle and under the belly of the horse | £45.00 |
Stirrup leathers | white buff- leather | £40.00 |
Girth | 2-3 are recommended to fit different horses provided at displays | £30.00 |
Stirrups | period brass stirrups | £30-50 |
Pistol holsters | black leather, to attach under the cloak at the front of the horse | £80.00 |
Grooming kit | brushes and hoof pick, natural materials if possible | £20.00 |
Equipment straps | six short black buckled straps for attaching cylindrical valise and cloak | £24.00 |
Prices reflect costs for uniforms and equipment based on figures for 2009. *
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